

Planting is preferred from March to October, with branches 20 to 25 cm long 

Watering Aloe, like all succulents, can withstand long periods of drought, but excessive drought has a negative impact on its growth. It is best to water the plant with small amounts of water but often.
We can provide support for better plant maintenance.


1.Clean the weeds with hands close to the roots and with a small manual tractor in the plant corridors. 

2.Herbal remedies for flowering elimination. 

3.Plant in well-drained soils and in areas where temperatures do not drop below 0°C. 

4.If necessary, we will explain how to fertilize plants only with low nitrogen fertilizers that we specify
or organic compost.


The collection of aloe leaves is very simple, done by hand, and our company advises you on the right time to harvest. Leaves are cut with a specific technique and type of knife to avoid oxidation of gel.

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